What is Iron Deficiency Day?
Iron Deficiency Day is all about getting people to understand why this essential mineral is so key to our health. From recognizing the symptoms of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia to being fully informed about the importance of healthy iron levels, we want to encourage everyone to take action, and speak to their healthcare providers.
Taking place on 26th November every year, this global awareness day event brings together those living with iron deficiency or anemia as well as health professionals, patient advocates and the media. Your support and participation are vital to our campaign’s success and there are many fun ways you can get involved!
Days until Iron Deficiency Awareness Day
Iron deficiency can have a significantly negative impact on heart failure patients, yet many dismiss the symptoms – especially fatigue and breathlessness – as ‘to be expected’. Iron Deficiency Day is a great initiative helping educate people to recognize the symptoms and to seek diagnosis from their physician for this very treatable condition.
We are proud to be supported by
Symptom checker
Don’t ignore or confuse the warning signs of iron deficiency. Take our quick and easy test to pinpoint any symptoms of iron deficiency.
Educational resources
Find out more about managing your condition, how to build an iron rich diet, or raise awareness of iron deficiency